Marie, 67 years- ostomist


It was a shock when I found out that I have a tumor and I will have an ostomy. I wasn't even 50 years old. In 2002 I haven't access to the internet and I was missing some information. I didn't know anyone with an outlet. After the operation, changing the bags caused me a lot of problems. I couldn't stand the sight of my operated belly.

But ostomy saved my life and I have learned how to like her. I live thanks to the outlet. I am happy that I could meet my grandchildrens, I am enjoing childs world. My family takes me how I am. I reconsidered the priorities. I got to meet so many amazing people thanks to ostomy. I like myself, I am helping others, my life makes sense. 

© 2022 BagART - a project of the patient organization Czech ILCO. All rights reserved.
The BagsART project is implemented as part of the České ILCO Project, z.s. - YES, WE CAN!, project no. ZD-MGS3-028, which is financed by EEC funds within the Small Grant Scheme of the Health programme 
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